C Program Examples with Source Code

1. Write a program to print “hello world” on screen. Download
2. Write a program to add, multiply, subtract and divide two numbers. Download
3. Write a program to find area of triangle(a=h*b*.5). Where a = area, h = height, b = base. Download
4. Write a program to calculate simple interest(i=(p*r*n)/100). Where i= interest, p =Principal amount, r =Rate of interest, n = Number of years. Download
5. Write a program to read one number and display it. Download
6. Write a c program to interchange two nos. Download
7. Write a c program to find out area of circle and volume of cylinder. Download
8. Write a c program to enter a distance in to K.M and convert it in to meter, feet, inches and centimeter. Download
9. Write a program to compute Fahrenheit from centigrade (f=1.8*c +32). Download
10. Write a c program to find out distance traveled by this eq d = ut + at^2. Download
11. Write a C program to find that the accepted no is Negative, or Positive or Zero. Download
12. Write a program to read marks of a student from keyboard whether the student is pass or fail( using if else). Download
13. Write a program to read three numbers from keyboard and find out maximum out of these three. (nested if else). Download
14. Write a c program to display days into months, weeks and reminder days. Download
15. Write a c program to find out the largest value from given three no using conditional operator. Download
16. Write a c program to check input no is positive then add 10 otherwise decrease 5. Download
17. Checked whether entered char is capital, small, digit or any special character. Download
18. Write a program to read marks from keyboard and your program should display equivalent grade according to following table(if else ladder). 100-80 = distinction, 60-79 = First Class, 40-59 = Second Class, 0-39 = Fail. Download
19. Write a program to check whether the given number is even, odd or zero. Download
20. Write a c program to prepare pay slip using following data. Da = 10% of basic, Hra = 7.50% of basic, Ma = 300, Pf = 12.50% of basic, Gross = basic + Da + Hra + Ma, Nt = Gross – Pf. Download
21. Write a c program to compute an electric city bill. unit - rate, 1–100 = 3,101-200 = 3.50,201-400 = 4.25, 401 Up = 5. Download
22. Write a program to find out the solution of quadratic equation (delta = b^2 – 4ac) (if delta =0 then alpha=beta =-b/2a else if delta is < 0 then imaginary roots else alpha = (-b+sqrt(delta))/2a and beta = (-bsqrt(delta))/2a). Download
23. Make a simple calculator (using if …. Else if). Download
24. Write a c program to read no 1 to 7 and print relatively day Sunday to Saturday. Download
25. Write a c program to find out the max. and min. no from given 10 no. Download
26. Write a program to find out given year is a leap year or not. Download
27. Write a program to read any five numbers and print the average value. Download
28. Write a c program to input an integer no check the last digit of no is even or odd. Download
29. Write a program to find out all the numbers divisible by 5 and 7 between 1 to 100. Download
30. Write a program to find out sum of digits if given number. Download
31. Write a C program to find factorial of accepted no. Download
32. Write a program to reverse a number. Download
33. Write a program to generate first 25 number of Fibonacci series. Download
34. Write a C program to display first 5 Armstrong nos. Download
35. Write a program to find a greatest common factor among entered 2 number. Download
36. Write a program to find out sum of first and last digit of a given number. Download
37. Write a program to calculate average and total of 5 students for 3 subjects(use 2 for loops). Download
38. Read five persons height and weight and count the number of person having height greater than 170 and weight less than 50. Download
39. Write a program to check whether the given number is prime or not. Download
40. Write a program to check whether the given number is binary or not. Download
41. Write a c program to print a no in to hexadecimal and octal no. Download
42. Write a program to do sum of n numbers. Download
43. Snake Game in C Language. Download
44. TIC TAC TOE Game in C Language. Download
45. DX Ball Game in C Language. Download

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sumon ahmed
fultu site .....
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love patel
what a sit,,,,yaar your site tottly time west,,,
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sumon ahmed likes this
Hitarth Chaudhari
Please ! solve the error 404
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Arshit Goti
Error (404) in some programs please solve it...
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Harsh Panchal
Error (404) in some programs please solve it....
i want download all program
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Jay Patel
Error (404) in some programs please solve it....
i want download all program
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