DFS Programs in C With Output

1. Write a Program for various operations on set. Operations covered : Create(),print(),Union(),intersection(),difference(),member(),symmdiff(). Download
2. Write a Program for String operations without library functions Program details: Program showing various operations on string without library functions functions implemented: (1) Length of a string (2) Reversing a string (3) Palindrome (4) Copy (5) String comparison (6) String concatenations (7) Searching a string (8) Counting of Words,Characters and Special characters Download
3. Write a Program to perform various operations on polynomials using structures. Download
4. Write a Program to Represent sparse matrix using array and perform matrix addition,simple transpose and fast transpose. Download
5. Write a Program of Simulation of queue using an array. Download
6. Write a Program of Simulation of stack using an array. Download
7. Write a Program for circular queue using an array. Download
8. Write a Program for circular dequeue using an array. Download
9. Write a Program of Simulation of stack using a linked list. Download
10. Write a Program for Queue represented using a linked list. Download
11. Write a Program for Queue represented using a circular linked list. Download
12. Write a Program for Dequeue represented using a linked list. Download
13. Write a Program for Various operations on polynomials using linked list. Download
14. Write a Program for Operations on SLL(singly linked list). Download
15. Write a Program for conversion of: 1. infix into its postfix form 2. infix into its prefix form 3. Evaluation of postfix expression 4. Evaluation of prefix expression Download
16. Write a Program for Conversion of an expression from postfix into infix AND Conversion of an expression from postfix into prefix. Download
17. Write a Program for Conversion of an expression from prefix into infix AND Conversion of an expression from prefix into postfix. Download
18. Write a Program for Operations on Doubly linked list. Download
19. Write a Program for Operations on CLL(circular linked list). Download
20. Write a Program for showing various operations on binary search tree. Download
21. Write a Program for AVL tree. Download
22. Write a Program for Indegree,Outdegree,total degree of each vertex and, BFS , DFS on a graph represented using adjacency matrix. Download
23. Write a Program for DFS and BFS on graph represented using adjacency list. Download
24. Write a Program for BSF and DSF on a graph represented using adjacency matrix. Download
25. Write a Program for constructing a minimum cost spanning tree using Prim's algorithm. Download
26. Write a Program for constructing a minimum cost spanning tree USING Kruskal's algorithm. Download

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manish khemani
and also dijkstra algorithm without using greedy method
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manish khemani
pls someone provide me Dfs and prim's algorithm without using greedy method
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Kajal Kariya
program for using pointer
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Vidhi Shah
program for tree traversal
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Joydip Panchal and 2 other like this
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